
Scam reports relating to Zone 2 telephone numbers:
Mostly Africa (but also Aruba, Faroe Islands, Greenland and British Indian Ocean Territory)
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Post by DodgyDialersReport »

This topic gives information about the telephone number +2347019405534, which has been identified as being used by scammer as part of their scam. This first post gives some general information about the telephone number, such as the country/area it is from, the type of number and the provider. Additional posts give information about occurrences of the number being used as part of a scam.

About telephone number +2347019405534

Telephone number +2347019405534 has a country code of 234, which indicates that it is from Nigeria. The dialing code (701) indicates that the number is a mobile number. The original service provider was "Bharti Airtel Ltd (Celtel)".

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Re: +2347019405534

Post by DodgyDialersReport »

Telephone number +2347019405534 is being used as part of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam by someone claiming to be "James Moore", from Diamond Bank Plc and using the email address francismorehit2020@gmail.com. The telephone number is included in the following Advance Fee Fraud email that is being sent to victims:
Dear Beneficiary,

This is to let you know that we have received an instruction from the United Nation by orders of the Ministry of Finance, Republic of Nigeria to release your Approved payment of US$5 Million Dollars via DIAMOND BANK ATM VISA CARD which you will use to withdraw your US$5 Million Dollars from any ATM Machine in any part of the world.

I must thank you and assure you that DIAMOND BANK ATM VISA CARD number 527 439364 4673648 748; has been approved and upgraded in your favour this morning. The amount upgraded in the ATM CARD is US$5 Million Dollars, and your secret pin number is 8081, Right now,

Invitation have been extended to you to visit DIAMOND BANK NIGERIA for collection of your DIAMOND BANK ATM VISA CARD and PIN NUMBER so that you can activate it by yourself and start withdrawing funds from any ATM Machine in your country but the amount you can withdraw in a day is $23,000, per day as we have programmed it.
Alternatively, if you are unable to visit DIAMOND BANK Republic of Benin for collection of this your DIAMOND BANK ATM VISA CARD and PIN NUMBER, you must therefore apply for the DIAMOND BANK ATM VISA CARD and PIN NUMBER to be sent to you via our diplomatic courier service at your own expenses byoffsetting the following payments such as; (1) Shipment fee of the DIAMOND BANK ATM VISA CARD to your address amounting to US$50.00. (2) Insurance Coverage of the DIAMOND BANK ATM VISA CARD amounting to USUS$49.00.

Both payments is the sum of US$99.00 must be paid to enable us ship the DIAMOND BANK ATM VISA CARD to your address to enable you start withdrawing your US$5 Million Dollars from any ATM machine in any part of the world. This DIAMOND BANK ATM VISA CARD must be insured so that it can get to you without any problem and diversion. This is because this ATM CARD that can be use to withdraw funds from any ATM Machine in every part of the world.

Secondly the officer in charge is .Hon JAMES MOORE, contact them via above with all your detail, by contacting them to Atm card payment centre of {DIAMOND Bank Plc}, so contact the ATM swift card centre on this email.(francismorehit2020@gmail.com) the general manager name Hon JAMES MOORE.

And make sure you do forward to them your full information’s such as. (1) your full name.(2) Address where you want them to send the card through diplomatic courier Service (P.O Box not accepted). (3) Your full name and total amount you are expecting, Instead of losing your fund. (4) you’re direct telephone numbers. (5) A copy of your international passport. Please indicate to the card centre the total sum you are expecting and for your information, you have to stop any further communication with any institution or office until you receive the Atm card. Note: because of impostors, we hereby issue you, your pin code of conduct tag number, which is (8081) so you must have to indicate this code when contacting the card centre. We await your urgent response.

So, if you cannot come to DIAMOND BANK of NIGERIA for collection of your DIAMOND BANK ATM VISA CARD, you must therefore kindly go right now To western union and send this shipment and insurance fee of US$99.00 via Western Union Money transfer with the details below And write your MTCN number down and your sender name below down the details

Country.. NIGERIA
City.. LAGOS
Text Question..WHEN
Text Answer...NOW
Amount $99.00

As soon as the fee is received, we shall immediately dispatch the DIAMOND BANK ATM VISA CARD to you and it will take only 2 days to arrive to your address to enable you start withdrawing funds that same day from any ATM machine nearest to you.
Thanks for your understanding and we are waiting for your quick reply and the payment information.

This massage is coming from.
Foreign Contract Payments
HON JAMES MOORE +234-7019405534

The email was sent from the email address "HON JAMES MOORE <ghui@biznetvigator.com>", with the Reply-to address "HON JAMES MOORE <francismorehit2020@gmail.com>" and the subject "YOUR SUM OF US$5 MILLION ATM CARD IS READY HERE IS THE PIN CODE 8081".

The email is a classic example of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam with promises of a large sum of money being transferred to the victim. Anyone responding to it will be told that there is a fee/tax/insurance payment to be paid to receive the money. This will be followed by payment after payment until the victim runs out of money or realises that they are being scammed.

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