
Scam reports relating to Zone 2 telephone numbers:
Mostly Africa (but also Aruba, Faroe Islands, Greenland and British Indian Ocean Territory)
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Post by DodgyDialersReport »

This topic gives information about the telephone number +2349061540486, which has been identified as being used by scammer as part of their scam. This first post gives some general inforation about the telephone number, such as the country/area it is from, the type of number and the provider. Additional posts give information about occurences of the number being used as part of a scam.

About telephone number +2349061540486

Telephone number +2349061540486 has a country code of 234, which indicates that it is from Nigeria. The dialing code (90) indicates that the number is a mobile phone number and that the original service provider was "Cellular Mobile (ETACS)".

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Re: +2349061540486

Post by DodgyDialersReport »

Telephone number +2349061540486 is being used as part of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam by someone claiming to be "Patrick Uba" and using the email address paymastergeneral0014@gmail.com. The telephone number in included in the following Advance Fee Fraud email that is being sent to victims:
Dear Beneficiary,

This is in regard to the outstanding payment, I am Patrick Uba,the
Payment-master General of the Federation and was appointed Director
and Senior Resident Representing the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
West Africa, the Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and his decision
making body of United Nation (UN); has directed and instructed me to
investigate and approve all outstanding debts owed to foreign
beneficiaries by the Government of Nigeria / British in this first
quarter of last fiscal year 2020.

This decision was taken based on the anomalies and inability of the
Banks in Nigeria / London to release your fund into your bank account;
whereby it was discovered that some directors in these Banks were
diverting funds to another account of their choice overseas.

In our investigation, one Ms. Gina Allison and Barrister Jim Scott
from Adli Law Group P.C, sent a letter of claim to this office that
they are your relatives and you eventually DIED in an auto accident
some time ago, with a death certificate/warrant of your BURIAL, that
you gave them the power of attorney to claim your fund before your
DEATH, and urther submit their account for the said funds to be

Finally, be informed that a payment instruction has been issued and
forwarded to the Treasury Department of the International Monetary
Fund (IMF) for immediate release of your fund to them without further

We need your immediate confirmation about these claims by these people
on your behalf. Your quick acknowledgment of this message via my
private email address and also call my private tel (+234 9061540486)
will help us commence action and know the truth of this counter

Also, forward to this office the below details:

YOUR FULL NAME: .................
YOUR HOME ADDRESS: ..............
YOUR TEL / FAX NUMBER: ..........
YOUR OCCUPATION: ................

Yours in service,

Mr Patrick Uba
Paymaster General of the Federation
The email was sent from the email address "PAYMASTER GENERAL OF THE FEDERATION <paymastergeneral0014@gmail.com>", with the subject "IMMEDIATE RELEASE OF YOUR APPROVED PAYMENT SUM US$10.500,000.00"

The email raises a number of red flags that indicate that this is a scam. Firstly, banks and major companies do not use free email addresses such as Hotmail and Gmail. Secondly, the email has been sent from a totally different address to the one that you are asked to reply to. Scammers do this because they expect that the email address that is used to send out the hundreds of copies of this mail could well be shut down and they want to be able to receive replies. Thirdly, the email address account "sbhshippingcompany2" includes no indication of the senders name. Bank and large companies do not use general email addresses, employees have their own personal email accounts. Thirdly, the email was sent to multiple recipients using BCC. Finally, companies do not randomly write to people advising them that they are entitled to large sums of money. This is a classic example of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam and anyone responding to it will be told that there is a fee/tax/insurance payment to be paid to receive the money. This will be followed by payment after payment until the victim runs out of money or realises that they are being scammed.

In addition to the above red flags, the fact that telephone number +2349061540486 is a mobile phone is another major indication that this is a scam. Banks and large companies do not use mobile phones as a means of contact, they have proper landline phone numbers.

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