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Joined: Fri Feb 07, 2020 7:08 am

Welcome to DodgyDialers.Online

Post by DodgyDialersAdmin »

Welcome to DodgyDialers.Online, an online resource focusing on telephone numbers used in scams, spam, marketing calls and other general dodgyness.

The forum is set up with reports about telephone numbers split into sub-forums for each Zone (the first digit of the number's country code). And within each forum you will find individual topics covering reports on specific phone numbers. The first post in each topic is an information post that gives general details about the phone number, such as the county, type, and area it covers. This is then followed by one or more posts detailing a specific report of misuse of the number.

From spam calls through vhishing and numbers used on fake websites to numbers included in email scams, you will find a variety of reports here. If you find a specific number posted then you can be sure that it has been fully researched and there is evidence of scam useage.

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