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Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2023 8:51 am
by DodgyDialersReport
This topic gives information about the telephone number +85228101112, which has been identified as being used by scammers as part of their scam. This first post gives some general information about the telephone number, such as the country/area it is from, the type of number and the provider. Additional posts give information about occurrences of the number being used as part of a scam.

About telephone number +85228101112

Telephone number +85228101112 has a country code of 852, which indicates that it is from Hong Kong. The dialling code (28) indicates that the number covers the area of Hong Kong (Xianggang) and that the number is a landline number. The original service provider was "PCCW - HKT Telephone Ltd".

Re: +85228101112

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2023 8:52 am
by DodgyDialersReport
Telephone number +85228101112 is being used as part of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam by someone claiming to be "Yury Davrayev", from GML Trade Ltd. The telephone number is included in the following Advance Fee Fraud email that is being sent to victims:
Lot 01 Patte d'oie, Cotonou, Republic of Benin.
Our Ref: AF.DRC/PCHDF/UDT-2022.

From The Chairman:
Richard Campbell,

Attention: Contract Beneficiary/ Inheritance Beneficiary.


I am Richard Campbell, the officer in-charge of payment reconciliation
and Payment discrepancies reports in our office, I hereby inform you
that we have approved the sum of US$25.5M for your payment through our
nominated Fiduciary Agents, but we received a surprised report today
from our paying Financial Bank in Bénin, that there are discrepancies
with your payment, that you have empowered someone from Florida in USA
by name Mr.Yury Davrayev to claim your fund on your behalf from their

I hereby send to you the information submitted to our Fiduciary Agent
by one Mr.Yury Davrayev from Florida, U.S.A, with an application for
receiving your fund (US$25.5M) to his account on your behalf which was
resend to our office today by the Vice President of Financial Bank
Bénin to make proper confirmation from you before they will go ahead
with the payment to Mr.Yury Davrayev. Please as a matter of urgency,
you are required to verify the following information and inform us if
you are aware or know anything about this, yesterday Mr.Yury Davrayev
send an application letter to our paying Financial Bank Benin,
claiming that you have instructed him to receive your payment on your
behalf, our paying bank, Financial Bank Bénin asked him come back to
their office in five days time, with a power of an attorney from you
which will proof that you thoroughly send them, this was to enable the
paying bank get proper verification and confirmation from my office to
find out the truth and genuine of this sudden claim.

1. Did you instruct one Mr.Yury Davrayev GML TRADE LTD of Florida USA,
whose information's is below, to claim and receive your payment on
your behalf from our Fiduciary Agent?"
2. Did you sign any 'Deed of Assignment' or "Memorandum of
Understanding" in his favor thereby making him the current beneficiary
with the following account details:

TBA - Multicurrency account
Mr. Dennis Lee or Keith Tso
+852-2748-8288 / +852-2748-8233;
+852-2269-0160 / +852-2810-1112;

Note: Be you informed that my office "the African Debts Reconciliation
Office" had approved the sum of US$25.5M for your payment and had
instructed our Fiduciary Agent to effect the transfer from the any of
the Financial Institution giving to him , but with this sudden
development arising from Mr.Yury Davrayev of Florida, we have ordered
our Fiduciary Agent to hold on with the transfer until we get proper
confirmation from you, therefore with immediate effect you are hereby
advised to indicate to this honorable office with immediate effect,
if you are the person that instructed Mr.Yury Davrayev to claim of
your fund (US$25.5M), to enable us endorse the US$25.5M for the final
payment approval order on his behalf.

Therefore, sequel to the above notice, if you are not the one
authorized Mr.Yury Davrayev to claim your fund on your behalf, you
here by instructed to RE-CONFIRM to this office with all these
information below for data reconfirmation.

1. Your full name and your Address.
2. Your Phone and mobile Number
3. Company name and position.
4. Profession, age and marital status.
5. Your Identification, either your International passport or Identity card.

We shall be waiting for your urgent and prompt response
Yours Sincerely,
Richard Campbell,
Chairman of the Commission.
The email was sent from the email address "Debts Review and Reconciliation Commission <>", with the Reply-to address "" and the subject "Debt Recovery Commission.".

The email is a classic example of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam with promises of a large sum of money being transferred to the victim. Anyone responding to it will be told that there is a fee/tax/insurance payment to be paid to receive the money. This will be followed by payment after payment until the victim runs out of money or realises that they are being scammed.