
Scam reports relating to Zone 2 telephone numbers:
Mostly Africa (but also Aruba, Faroe Islands, Greenland and British Indian Ocean Territory)
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Post by DodgyDialersReport »

This topic gives information about the telephone number +22997514469, which has been identified as being used by scammer as part of their scam. This first post gives some general inforation about the telephone number, such as the country/area it is from, the type of number and the provider. Additional posts give information about occurences of the number being used as part of a scam.

About telephone number +22997514469

Telephone number +22997514469 has a country code of 229, which indicates that it is from Benin. The dialing code (97) indicates that the number is a mobile phone number and that the original service provider was "BéninCell".

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Re: +22997514469

Post by DodgyDialersReport »

Telephone number +22997514469 is being used as part of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam by someone claiming to be "Lary Remond" and using the email address wunion0119@gmail.com. The telephone number in included in the following Advance Fee Fraud email that is being sent to victims:
Western Union transferring payment head office
741 Rue Des Franciscans Adido gome
Benin Republic / Lome broade P.O Box 9263
E-mail: { wunion0119@gmail.com }

How are you doing,

I know it is because of your past expenses that make you not to
believe me but I told you before that I cannot deceive you because my
bible says what shall it profit a man to gain material things and
loose your soul, any way their is good news now, i raised some money
to help you out and make sure that your payment will be release to you
the same day you send the $48.00 usd as well. I borrowed money
yesterday after service from my Pastor, then you have to send the
remain balance now only $48.00 usd but i don't see the reason why you
have keep silent on me not to respond back, honestly I am just
disappointed at your behaviors because you know that I cannot deceive
you, Just pay the $48.00 usd and leave rest for me watching me if I am
telling you lies or not.

Your payments is already approval today for you to receive it but the
management here says that you must pay $48.00 usd for the Stamp and
activation charge before you can receive the payment today, please
send the charge through western union immediately, i have assured you
a time without number that this is genuine and legitimate. I swear If
I fail to release your payment after you send the $48.00 usd as I
promise don't count on me again, I cannot fail you, I promise you,
don?t fear as soon as you send the $48.00 usd today please leave the
rest to me and see if I am lie to you because I can not use my life
swear because of $48.00 usd how can I swear against my life because of
this small amount? it is to show you that I am telling you the truth.

You have an assurance of receiving your payment once this is settled
and whatever that arises next shall be taking care of by this our head
office, but i swear nothing is going to come up again after this and i
will make sure you start receiving your funds immediately or i will
write a petition against our headquarter office and they will have
whatever you have spent on your funds sent it back to you first thing
tomorrow. Just try and understand because i do not want you to loose
your funds that you have spent so much on now you have only one step
to receiving your funds. Do not allow the devil to turn your mind
against this because by the time you realize you have a mistake, it
might be too late to recover.

I make this latter of guarantee in good faith, having consulted with
my superiors federal high court office and witnessed by our federal
ministry of finance attorney Lawyer, notice: this payment was approved
by the federal ministry of finance Cotonou, Benin rep. to beneficiary
only. Note: The court has taken all legal verification against your
transaction. it is hereby confirmed that your fund within World Bank
Of West Africa Benin Republic is 100% genuine. In Accordance with
section 311, subsection 29 {B} Of The Executor-ships Law of the Benin
Government by the Authority conferred on me, I Justice MR. LARY
REMOND. hereby give this Letter of Guarantee to you as the beneficiary
of the transfer payment fund OK.

I will guarantee you 100% sure that you will not pay any more money
after you send this fee because you will pick up your first payment
within 45minutes after receiving the last fee from you and I will be
the cost of the fee if it is any other fee but I believe that no other
fee will be ask for you to pay again I am makes sure that I must put
smile on your face in next 45 minutes I am waiting for your payment
because this transaction has taken so long and I don't want you to
lose this fund at the end This are your funds which is already in our
system to transfer to you and it will be release to you as soon as you
pay the (A.R.O) Authorization Release Order fees of $48.00 usd.


Receiver First Name :::::::: EDWIN
Receiver Second Name :::::::: MABIA
Country :::::::: Benin Republic
City :::::::: Cotonou
Question :::::::: color
Answer :::::::: Blues
Amount :::::::: $48.00
Money Transfer Control Number :::::::: (M.T.C.N)
Sender's name ::::::::
Sender's Direct Telephone::::::::::

I promise you as soon as we hear from you with the payment fee of
$48.00 Today we shall send your pick up information details the same
day you send the $48.00 usd, I swear and i will not fail to release
your first transfer payment fund of $3,000 today OK.

Yours Sincerely
Foreign Operation Payment Center,
General Managing Director
Telephone +229 97514469.
The email was sent from the email address ""MR. LARY REMOND." <bank.africaplc20@gmail.com>", with the Reply-to address "wunion0119@gmail.com" and the subject "YOUR PAYMENTS IS ALREADY APPROVAL TODAY?".

The email raises a number of red flags that indicate that this is a scam. Firstly, the email was sent from a totally different email address to the one you are asked to reply to and neither address match the sender's name. Secondly, companies do not randomply write to people advising them that they are entitled to large sums of money. Thirdly, the email was sent to multiple recipients using BCC. This is a classic example of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam and anyone responding to it will be told that there is a fee/tax/insurance payment to be paid to receive the money. This will be followed by payment after payment until the victim runs out of money or realises that they are being scammed.

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Re: +22997514469

Post by DodgyDialersReport »

Telephone number +22997514469 is being used as part of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam by someone claiming to be "David Morgan" from DHL and using the email address coudhl57@gmail.com. The telephone number is included in the following Advance Fee Fraud email that is being sent to victims:

This is to acknowledge the receipt of your application after your
agent who deposited your ATM CARD valued of $400.000 USD with this
company.Note that all the necessary delivering arrangement of your ATM
CARD have been concluded here in our company and your consignment will
be sent to your home address as soon as you reconfirm possible.

However we want to notify you that your ATM CARD 's security deposit
fee is $65 USD and you are advised to send the fee to enable us get
your ATM CARD sent direct to your home address without any delay and
bear in mind that this $65 is only required fee to get your ATM CARD
valued of $400.000 USD deliver direct to your home address and you
will start enjoying your life with your atm card fund $400.000 USD.

send the security deposit fee of $65 USD immediately you receive
this email. to enable us ship your parcel to your destination tomorrow

Here is our accountant name address information where you will send
the fee $65 through Western Union Or money Gram.

Receiver's Name..........Don Alex
Country Name............ Benin Republic
Text Question......... Honest
Text Answer...... Trust
Sender Name.....

Finally we are waiting to receive the security fee to enable us send
your ATM CARD valued of $400.000 USD to your address and give you the
DHL shipment tracking number details so that you will track your
parcel and know the arrival date time of our agent to your address
over there in your country.

Try your best today and send the money because all necessary
arrangement regarding the delivery of your ATM CARD has been finalized
and our agent will take off by 9:30am tomorrow morning to your country

Phone +229 97514469
Yours in service,
Mr.David Morgan
The email was sent from the email address ""Mr.David Morgan" <fbi46584@gmail.com>", with the Reply-to address "coudhl57@gmail.com" and the subject "YOUR ATM CARD valued of $400.000 USD".

The email is a classic example of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam with promises of a large sum of money being transferred to the victim. Anyone responding to it will be told that there is a fee/tax/insurance payment to be paid to receive the money. This will be followed by payment after payment until the victim runs out of money or realises that they are being scammed.

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Re: +22997514469

Post by DodgyDialersReport »

Telephone number +22997514469 is being used as part of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam by someone claiming to be "Nestor Boni" and using the email address mackeywilliam101@gmail.com. The telephone number is included in the following Advance Fee Fraud email that is being sent to victims:
International payment settlement Benin Rep.
PHONE: +229 97514469,

Dear Esteemed Customer,

We write in reference to your package registered by Mr. mackey william
few days ago and the DHL Courier Service is now ready to deliver your
package to your destination upon the receipt of the $97.00 USD , And
the Board of Directors, United Bank Of Africa (UBA BANK) has ordered
their Foreign Payment Remittance Unit to issue this parcel as the
CORPORATE ATM CARD were your African Beneficiary fund worth of $4.5
million U.S Dollars has been uploaded, and has been registered with
the delivery company to deliver it to your destination.Your ATM CARD
package are supposed to be ship by now, but due to security reasons we
insisted that you must re-confirm to us your current delivery address
to ensure safen delivery.

MOST IMPORTANT: Due to the content of the package mandated that before
your package will be shipped, A Tax/Stamp Duty MUST be procured
according to the New Customs Creed and the essence of such Document is
to ensure a hitch-free delivery. Therefore you are required to pay the
Tax/Stamp and the Essence of such documents which is the sum of
$97.00 usd only asap?You are to send the money through the receivers
info below? But if you cannot be able to send the money through
Western Union or Money Gram then go to any nearby store and buy an
iTunes gift card, Amazon gift card or Google play Wallet with a cash
receipt, please remember to scratch the card and snap it before
sending? you have to buy the card $100.00 usd only? OR you can send it with the
receivers info below:

Receivers name: Don Alex,
Text question: Stay?
Answer: Safe,
Amount:$97.00 USD only payment.
MTCN: .............?
senders name:.........?
Senders Country:.......?

Your Shipment Code: #AXIB 131ZXR,
Your Package Registration No; #UBA2272,
Security Code No: # 01721457,

Please hurry now as your package might incur demur-rage if it stays
More than 2 0r 3 days with DHL Company it will cost money, because
delay is dangerous.

Best Regards,
Mr. Nestor Boni
E-mail: mackeywilliam101@gmail.com,
Tel: +229 97514469,
The delivering of your package is ready now!
The email was sent from the email address "Mr. Nestor Boni <burrowsandy.atmpaymentunit@gmail.com>", with the Reply-to address "mackeywilliam101@gmail.com" and the subject "The delivering of your package is ready now!".

The email is a classic example of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam with promises of a large sum of money being transferred to the victim. Anyone responding to it will be told that there is a fee/tax/insurance payment to be paid to receive the money. This will be followed by payment after payment until the victim runs out of money or realises that they are being scammed.

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