
Scam reports relating to Zone 2 telephone numbers:
Mostly Africa (but also Aruba, Faroe Islands, Greenland and British Indian Ocean Territory)
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Post by DodgyDialersReport »

This topic gives information about the telephone number +2349028929741, which has been identified as being used by scammer as part of their scam. This first post gives some general information about the telephone number, such as the country/area it is from, the type of number and the provider. Additional posts give information about occurrences of the number being used as part of a scam.

About telephone number +2349028929741

Telephone number +2349028929741 has a country code of 234, which indicates that it is from Nigeria. The dialing code (902) indicates that the number is a mobile number. The original service provider was "Bharti Airtel Ltd (Celtel)".

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Report Posting Cyborg
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Location: Hanging on the telephone

Re: +2349028929741

Post by DodgyDialersReport »

Telephone number +2349028929741 is being used as part of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam by someone claiming to be "Pastor Chris Aku" from United Bank of Africa and using the email address pastorchrisaku@gmail.com. The telephone number is included in the following Advance Fee Fraud email that is being sent to victims:
From Desk Of Pastor Chris Aku
United Bank of Africa
Address: 33, wuse Abuja-Nigeria
Telephone: +2349028929741.

Hello Dear

Hello Good day, Please pay attention to my message. I am Pastor Chris
Aku, United Bank of Africa Yes i want to inform you recently that we
have been instructed by the U.S Government and International Monetary
Fund and in-conjunction with the World Bank to compensate you with the
sum of $850,000 thousand Dollars for not receiving your
inheritance/contract payment for many years due to false offices that
refuses to release your funds to you.

Now we have finally made a solid agreement with the U.S Government and
international monetary Fund United Nations and World Bank to
compensate you with the sum of $$850,000 thousand USD for your

You are to provide us the below information so we can proceed to
release your compensation within 3 working days.

Your Full Name:_______________________
Current address: _____________________
Cell Phone number:_____________________
Passport/ID #:_____________________
Age: _____________________

Means of receiving your payment: ATM VISA CARD

We will proceed immediately to release your payment soon we receive
your information the above information.

Thank you very much.

Yours sincerely

Pastor Chris Aku

United Bank of Africa
The email was sent from the email address "PASTOR CHRIS AKU <revjamespatrick0012@gmail.com>", with the Reply-to address "pastorchrisaku@gmail.com" and the subject "Call me +2349028929741 NOW".

The email is a classic example of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam with promises of a large sum of money being transferred to the victim. Anyone responding to it will be told that there is a fee/tax/insurance payment to be paid to receive the money. This will be followed by payment after payment until the victim runs out of money or realises that they are being scammed.

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