
Scam reports relating to Zone 2 telephone numbers:
Mostly Africa (but also Aruba, Faroe Islands, Greenland and British Indian Ocean Territory)
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Post by DodgyDialersReport »

This topic gives information about the telephone number +2348083389882, which has been identified as being used by scammer as part of their scam. This first post gives some general information about the telephone number, such as the country/area it is from, the type of number and the provider. Additional posts give information about occurrences of the number being used as part of a scam.

About telephone number +2348083389882

Telephone number +2348083389882 has a country code of 234, which indicates that it is from Nigeria. The dialing code (808) indicates that the number is a mobile number. The original service provider was "Bharti Airtel Ltd (Celtel)".

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Re: +2348083389882

Post by DodgyDialersReport »

Telephone number +2348083389882 is being used as part of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam by someone claiming to be "Rev. John Donald" and using the email address revjohndonald7@gmail.com. The telephone number is included in the following Advance Fee Fraud email that is being sent to victims:

It is a pleasure to write you that we have reconciled with our logistic department on the reimbursement of some fund spent by you during the cause of your inadequate dealings with some imposters who claim to be staff in banks and other regional payment centers. Our reconciliation teams with the prospectus instrument of the United Nations after freezing suspected imposters account. This support was fully effective with the help of World Bank after a summit meeting in London, on the financial analysis and financial stability issues fluctuating the economy with the international global standard.

After gathering of this sum, our logistic department gave us a list of beneficiaries to be paid a sum of $2.500,000.00 United States Dollars who fell victims to these imposters due to unawareness. And mode of payment was as well specified for proper conducts and financial regulations to kick against criminality during process of payment. We have arranged your payment through our swift card centers, with the latest instruction from United Nations Office And International Monetary Fund Reconciliation Office.

The card center will send you an Atm Master Card which you will use to withdraw your money in any Atm Center, Banks and Union Pay Credit outlets in the world; You are hereby selected as an honor for this payment approval worth $2.500,000.00 United States Dollars, which you are to acknowledge the receipt of this mail in returning the required below to the Logistic Department by email listed below for immediately release of your above stated compensated funds so that there will be not mistake while delivering your funds to your home.

Note that United Nations Board of Director have sign your ATM CARD PARCELin the favor of your name and hand it over to Rev.John Donald Chief Protocol Officer, Dispatch Unit to arrange the delivery process, you have to contact Rev.John Donald in charge of your ATM CARD PARCEL, as he is our UNITED NATIONS representative in USA region, contact him immediately for your fund $2.5 MILLION USD,

Office of Reconciliation and Logistics Vaults,
United Nations Office Representatives In Nigeria
Contact Information Officer: Rev.John Donald
Email: ( revjohndonald7@gmail.com)
Direct Telephone line:+2348083389882

1. Full Name
2. Phone Number
3. Contact Address
4. Country

For your information, you have to stop any further communication with any other person or office claiming to be the right office to avoid any hitches in receiving your payment. Because of Impostors, we hereby issued you our code of conduct, which is (Atm-7750) so you have to indicate this code when contacting the Card Center by using it as your subject.

Rev.John Donald will send you his IDENTITY CARD and the CLEARANCE LETTER so you can know whom you are directly dealing with.

Rev.John Donald will be expecting your email and urgent attention to this email to enable us monitor this payment effectively. Most importantly you shall be requested to pay the sum of $220(Only) to Rev.John Donald as the Security Keeping Fee of your PARCEL to be delivered to your door step. Please note that the delivery fee have been sorted out by the UN,Please contact Rev John Donald now,

Sincerely yours,

Yours in Service,

Secretary-General BAN KI MOON
The email was sent from the email address ""Revjohn Donald" <s.nasrollahi@aiti.org.ir>", with the Reply-to address "s.nasrollahi@aiti.org.ir" and the subject "INTERNATIONAL RECONCILIATION AND LOGISTICS VAULT WORLD BANK".

The email is a classic example of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam with promises of a large sum of money being transferred to the victim. Anyone responding to it will be told that there is a fee/tax/insurance payment to be paid to receive the money. This will be followed by payment after payment until the victim runs out of money or realises that they are being scammed.

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Re: +2348083389882

Post by DodgyDialersReport »

Telephone number +2348083389882 is being used as part of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam by someone claiming to be "Rev. John Donald" and using the email address revjohndonald7@gmail.com. The telephone number is included in the following Advance Fee Fraud email that is being sent to victims:

It is a pleasure to write you that we have reconciled with our logistic department on the reimbursement of some fund spent by you during the cause of your inadequate dealings with some imposters who claim to be staff in banks and other regional payment centers. Our reconciliation teams with the prospectus instrument of the United Nations after freezing suspected imposters account. This support was fully effective with the help of World Bank after a summit meeting in London, on the financial analysis and financial stability issues fluctuating the economy with the international global standard.

After gathering of this sum, our logistic department gave us a list of beneficiaries to be paid a sum of $2.500,000.00 United States Dollars who fell victims to these imposters due to unawareness. And mode of payment was as well specified for proper conducts and financial regulations to kick against criminality during process of payment. We have arranged your payment through our swift card centers, with the latest instruction from United Nations Office And International Monetary Fund Reconciliation Office.

The card center will send you an Atm Master Card which you will use to withdraw your money in any Atm Center, Banks and Union Pay Credit outlets in the world; You are hereby selected as an honor for this payment approval worth $2.500,000.00 United States Dollars, which you are to acknowledge the receipt of this mail in returning the required below to the Logistic Department by email listed below for immediately release of your above stated compensated funds so that there will be not mistake while delivering your funds to your home.

Note that United Nations Board of Director have sign your ATM CARD PARCELin the favor of your name and hand it over to Rev.John Donald Chief Protocol Officer, Dispatch Unit to arrange the delivery process, you have to contact Rev.John Donald in charge of your ATM CARD PARCEL, as he is our UNITED NATIONS representative in USA region, contact him immediately for your fund $2.5 MILLION USD,

Office of Reconciliation and Logistics Vaults,
United Nations Office Representatives In Nigeria
Contact Information Officer: Rev.John Donald
Email: ( revjohndonald7@gmail.com)
Direct Telephone line:+2348083389882

1. Full Name
2. Phone Number
3. Contact Address
4. Country

For your information, you have to stop any further communication with any other person or office claiming to be the right office to avoid any hitches in receiving your payment. Because of Impostors, we hereby issued you our code of conduct, which is (Atm-7750) so you have to indicate this code when contacting the Card Center by using it as your subject.

Rev.John Donald will send you his IDENTITY CARD and the CLEARANCE LETTER so you can know whom you are directly dealing with.

Rev.John Donald will be expecting your email and urgent attention to this email to enable us monitor this payment effectively. Most importantly you shall be requested to pay the sum of $220(Only) to Rev.John Donald as the Security Keeping Fee of your PARCEL to be delivered to your door step. Please note that the delivery fee have been sorted out by the UN,Please contact Rev John Donald now,

Sincerely yours,

Yours in Service,

Secretary-General BAN KI MOON
The email was sent from the email address "Revjohn Donald <mrasaadaleelwl@aol.com>", with the subject "INTERNATIONAL RECONCILIATION AND LOGISTICS VAULT WORLD BANK".

The email is a classic example of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam with promises of a large sum of money being transferred to the victim. Anyone responding to it will be told that there is a fee/tax/insurance payment to be paid to receive the money. This will be followed by payment after payment until the victim runs out of money or realises that they are being scammed.

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