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Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 6:20 am
by DodgyDialersReport
This topic gives information about the telephone number +55114384245, which has been identified as being used by scammers as part of their scam. This first post gives some general information about the telephone number, such as the country/area it is from, the type of number and the provider. Additional posts give information about occurrences of the number being used as part of a scam.

About telephone number +55114384245

Telephone number +55114384245 has a country code of 55, which indicates that it is from Brazil. The dialling code (114) indicates that the number covers the area of São Paulo and that the number is a landline number.

Re: +55114384245

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 6:20 am
by DodgyDialersReport
Telephone number +55114384245 is being used as part of a Scam by someone claiming to be "Rua Coronel Pedro" and using the email address The telephone number is included in the following {ScamType} email that is being sent to victims:

Hope you all are safe in this COVID-19.
AMARAL & CIA is a trading and distribution company based in Brazil
serving customers in the whole of central/south America active in the
local and International markets in industries including detergents,
household, oil & gas and water treatment, Chemicals, Metals,
Pharmaceuticals, machinery, tools & hardware, Protection, Electrical
Equipment, Components & Telecoms, Gifts, Sports & Toys, Machinery,
Industrial Parts & Tools
We checked your website and interested to cooperate with your esteemed
company for your range of products.
Please send us your updated product catalog
Hoping for your swift response.

Best regards,

Rua Coronel Pedro
Corporate Center Jardins do Brasil
Avenue Hilário Pereira de Souza, 406
28º Floor - Tower 2 - Osasco - São Paulo
ZipCode: 06010-170
+55 11 4384-249
+55 11 4384-245
The email was sent from the email address "AMARAL & CIA TRADING <>", with the Reply-to address "" and the subject "Re: Introduction".

This email is an example of an scam targeting businesses with the promise of an order. The actual type of scam can vary, and includes credit card fraud, Advance Fee Fraud where the scammer asks the victims for fees, taxes or bribes to secure the order and even phishing/malware, with the scammer sending an infected file or link to a phishing page.