
Scam reports relating to Zone 2 telephone numbers:
Mostly Africa (but also Aruba, Faroe Islands, Greenland and British Indian Ocean Territory)
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Post by DodgyDialersReport »

This topic gives information about the telephone number +2349075665590, which has been identified as being used by scammer as part of their scam. This first post gives some general information about the telephone number, such as the country/area it is from, the type of number and the provider. Additional posts give information about occurrences of the number being used as part of a scam.

About telephone number +2349075665590

Telephone number +2349075665590 has a country code of 234, which indicates that it is from Nigeria. The dialing code (907) indicates that the number is a mobile number. The original service provider was "Bharti Airtel Ltd (Celtel)".

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Re: +2349075665590

Post by DodgyDialersReport »

Telephone number +2349075665590 is being used as part of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam by someone claiming to be "Barrister Collins White" and using the email addresses imfoffice28@mail.ru & imfheadoffice022@yandex.com. The telephone number is included in the following Advance Fee Fraud email that is being sent to victims:
(Public Affairs)( REF:012IMFA )
P.O.Box 3100, Nigeria GPO Suite 5B, Premier Towers,Pension Road, Lagos

Good Day!!!

Don't be so smart, and Stop deceiving your-self, But I will still brief you that you are running out of time because there is no way you will get any transfer funds receive from any Africa countries since you refused to Register and to respond to our previous mails, Even if you like you pay money to every body in all Africa contents as a whole, There is no way you can get your funds or your consignment box too, Because our 24/7 tracking surveillance is monitoring all your transaction from any Africa countries and those you are working with all this while with those people you called your lawyer or representative in Benin, Nigeria, Ghana, Togo, Kenya, London etc and other country here in Africa, By the way what have they done for you since been in contact with those scam hackers, just for you to trust them? What have you gain or get in return in all the transaction these lawyer's or representative office have verify for you since about fund? It is only a stupid fool will seek someone who is younger to be your own child to investigate a transaction on your behalf, what a shame? Why you never received any money from Africa internet compensation is that you did not register as a member to IMF AND CDA Try today, you have a full assurance and guarantee to start receiving your fund immediately.

Just (3) days ago we arrested 20 stammer's who are under the age of 30-35yrs old, impersonating different office in Benin, Nigeria, Ghana,Togo, Kenya, London, due to the Nigeria lawyer they were sentence to 5yrs imprisonment for fraudulent activities in Benin, due to investigation, some of this arrested victim has a luxurious cars etc. So imagine your money used or spend for women and beer parlor due to their confessions.

This are some of the reason most of you are ask to be a registered member to the IMF And CDA which give you 100% security assurance and guarantee of getting all your funds from Africa country within 24hours. It is only those who are member to the U.N/U.N.A.O are advice not to make any further payment to us since they will get their individual documentation both from IMF and the U.N/U.N.A.O office but investigation will carry out to know if you are any register member to any of the organization mentioned to you.

But If you are not a member, please kindly pay your IMF and CDA membership certificate and identification card which will cost you $75.00 USD SEND it today or fall to do so you lose your fund and kindly send it to our cashier bellow, payment information send it only through Money Gram Office OR Western Union Office Immediately you receive this mail now OK. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU SPELL THE RECEIVER NAME: SCHNEIDER UWE, CORRECTLY TO AVOID ANY MISTAKE OR DELAY OK. OR I will advise you to go straight to the any nearest apple store buy iTunes Card OR Amazon Card of the $75.00 scratched it attached it and send it to me immediately.

AMOUNT:========$$75 ONLY.
Text Question======Good
Text Answer=======News
MTCN Number========

I wait to hear from you immediately to enable your transfer take place immediately without any further delay or stress.

E- mail { imfoffice28@mail.ru }
E- mail ( imfheadoffice022@yandex.com )
IMF Resident Representative
IMF International Relations (Dept) Public Affairs
Federal Nigeria.
Please feel free to call me on:
Telephone Number(00234) (+234)-9075665590) OR SEND ME TEXT MASSAGE.
The email was sent from the email address ""MRS. JENNIFER UDO" <officefille230@rayana.ir>", with the Reply-to address "imfoffice28@mail.ru" and the subject "Re: INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUNDS( IMF AUTHORITY )".

The email is a classic example of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam with promises of a large sum of money being transferred to the victim. Anyone responding to it will be told that there is a fee/tax/insurance payment to be paid to receive the money. This will be followed by payment after payment until the victim runs out of money or realises that they are being scammed.

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Re: +2349075665590

Post by DodgyDialersReport »

Telephone number +2349075665590 is being used as part of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam by someone claiming to be "Mark James" and using the email addresses imfoffice28@mail.ru & imfheadoffice022@yandex.com. The telephone number is included in the following Advance Fee Fraud email that is being sent to victims:
Head Office Department in Republic Nigeria
Presidential Quarters Rue 1478 Abuja.
Please feel free to call me on:
Telephone Number(00234) (+234)-9075665590) OR SEND ME TEXT MASSAGE.
Email Address: { imfoffice28@mail.ru }
E- mail ( imfheadoffice022@yandex.com )


A power of attorney was forwarded to our head office this morning by one gentle man and he is a citizen from united state of America and his name is MR JAMES GRAIG DOUGLAS. This man claimed to be your representative and this power of attorney stated that you are dead after brief illness and he brought account to replace your information in other to claim your fund of $8.5 million us dollars which is now lying dormant and unclaimed, below is the new account he have submitted:

City Bank
Account# / 6503809428.
Address 1076 Peter Johnson Road
New York, USA,

Be further informed that this power of attorney also stated that you suffered and died of a corona-virus. You are therefore given 24 hrs to confirm the truth in this information, if you are still alive, you are to contact us back immediately, because we work 24 hrs just to ensure that we monitor all the activities going on in regards to the transfer of beneficiary's inheritance and contract payment.

You are to call this office immediately for clarifications on this matter as we shall be available 24 hrs to speak with you and give you the necessary guidelines on how to ensure that your payment is wired to you immediately and also be inform that any further delay from your side could be dangerous, as we would not be held responsible for any wrong payment. Contact us as soon as possible if you are truly alive as we have his identification and residence he provides for us to wired the payment to him.

Note: we want you to re-confirm your personal information below with the fee of $99 dollars to enable us renew and update your file before we will take next step and make sure that you receive your fund this week without no problem okay.

(1) Full Name:
(2) Country/State:
(3) Delivery Address:
(4) Occupation;
(5) Sex.
(6) Age:
(7) Telephone Number:
(8) A Cope of Your Passport:
(9)monthly income:

You are required to use this below information by send the fee of $99 dollars needed to update your payment file, before we can take step and make sure that you receive your fund this week without any hitch. OR I will advise you to go straight to the any nearest Apple store buy iTunes Card OR Amazon Card OR Steam Wallet Card of the $99.00 scratched it attached it with the picture and send it to me immediately.

Send the fee via world-remit/ Western Union or Money Gram.

Receiver Name: Gabriel Chinweike Igweze
Receiver Address: BENIN REPUBLIC
Text Question: WHEN
Answer: NOW
Amount: $99

We are waiting for your anticipate cooperation as soon as you receive this message.

Best Regards.
MR. MARK JAMES (Director General)
International Monetary Funds Unit.
Telephone Number(00234) (+234)-9075665590) OR SEND ME TEXT MASSAGE.
Email Address: { imfoffice28@mail.ru }
E- mail ( imfheadoffice022@yandex.com )
Head Office Department in Republic Nigeria
The email was sent from the email address "MR. MARK JAMES <officefille230@rayana.ir>", with the Reply-to address "imfoffice28@mail.ru" and the subject "Attention:Please,".

The email is a classic example of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam with promises of a large sum of money being transferred to the victim. Anyone responding to it will be told that there is a fee/tax/insurance payment to be paid to receive the money. This will be followed by payment after payment until the victim runs out of money or realises that they are being scammed.

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Re: +2349075665590

Post by DodgyDialersReport »

Telephone number +2349075665590 is being used as part of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam by someone claiming to be "THOMAS GIBBONS", and using the email address thomasgibbons423@aol.com and mrthomasgibbons79@gmail.com. The telephone number is included in the following Advance Fee Fraud email that is being sent to victims:
$100 TODAY YOUR $2.500,000 000.00 IS GONE FINALLY.


Happy New blessing Month of August 2020, I have to inform you once again, that we are not playing game over this your successful Fund, I know my reason for the continuous sending of this notification to you about this successful Fund release, the fact is that you can't seem to trust any one again over this inheritance payment Fund and we have now curt the prize of $490 to $100 for what you have been in cantered in many months ago OR years ago, but I want you to trust me now for the truth of God about this inheritance fund release, I swear and I promise that i will not fail my truth word as i said OK and i will make sure that you get this inheritance fund receive as soon as possible. Just try all best to get this fee of $100 send as instruction we give you in this email now.

I cannot scam you for $100 it is for bank processing of your payment,the fees is $490 but we have curt to $100 so that you can be able to send it today, $100 is clearly written to you before, and the good part of this, is that you will never, ever be disturbed again over any kind of payment, this is final, and the forms from there becomes effective once we submit your payment application processing fee and pay the form fee of $100 I don't want you to loose this fund this time, because you may never get another such good successfully opportunity, the federal government is keen and very determined to pay your overdue debts, this is not a fluke, I would not want you to loose this fund out of ignorance, I will send you all the documents as soon as bank payment processing fee is paid, you have to trust me, you will get your fund, find a way to get $100 you will not loose it,instead it will bring your financial breakthrough, find the money and send it to our bursary.

The reason why am sending you this because I want you to receive your USD2.5M immediately we are trying to round up for this payment program.The processing charges which was initially on the high price has been cut down by the payout bank considering the poor economic situations that make it difficult for the middle class citizens to meet up with the processing charges of their entitlement. Upon the confirmation of your processing charges you will get your $2.500, 000.00 into your account within 15 hrs.

Here is the payment information through western union money transfer, or World Remit Money transfer finally my advice to you is not to abandon this transaction because of the requirement of ($100) Account Officer Info: Send the fee through Money Gram, Or Western Union only. OR I will advise you to go straight to the any nearest Apple store buy iTunes Card OR Amazon Card OR Steam Wallet Card of the $100.00 scratched it attached it with the picture and send it to me immediately.

Receiver's::::::::Name: OGUGUA JOHN
Country: :::::Benin Republic
Text Question: : TRUST?
Answer:::::::: GOD
Amount required::::$100
Sender's Name:::::
MTCN Number#:
Sender's address:

As soon as the payment is received today, you will receive your $2.5M the same today without any delay.

Best Regards
Please feel free to call me on:
Telephone Number(00234) (+234)-9075665590) OR SEND ME TEXT MASSAGE.
E-mail {mrthomasgibbons79@gmail.com}
The email was sent from the email address "MR. THOMAS BEN <officefille230@rayana.ir>", with the Reply-to address "thomasgibbons423@aol.com" and the subject "PLEASE NEVER YOU MISS THIS VERY GOOD SUCCESSFULLY OPPORTUNITY OF RECEIVING THIS YOUR COMPENSATION INHERITANCE FUND TODAY.".

The email is a classic example of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam with promises of a large sum of money being transferred to the victim. Anyone responding to it will be told that there is a fee/tax/insurance payment to be paid to receive the money. This will be followed by payment after payment until the victim runs out of money or realises that they are being scammed.

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Re: +2349075665590

Post by DodgyDialersReport »

Telephone number +2349075665590 is being used as part of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam by someone claiming to be "Barrister Collins White" and using the email addresses imfoffice28@mail.ru and imfheadoffice022@yandex.com. The telephone number is included in the following Advance Fee Fraud email that is being sent to victims:
(Public Affairs)( REF:012IMFA )
P.O.Box 3100, Nigeria GPO Suite 5B, Premier Towers,Pension Road, Lagos

Good Day!!!

Don't be so smart, and Stop deceiving your-self, But I will still brief you that you are running out of time because there is no way you will get any transfer funds receive from any Africa countries since you refused to Register and to respond to our previous mails, Even if you like you pay money to every body in all Africa contents as a whole, There is no way you can get your funds or your consignment box too, Because our 24/7 tracking surveillance is monitoring all your transaction from any Africa countries and those you are working with all this while with those people you called your lawyer or representative in Benin, Nigeria, Ghana, Togo, Kenya, London etc and other country here in Africa, By the way what have they done for you since been in contact with those scam hackers, just for you to trust them? What have you gain or get in return in all the transaction these lawyer's or representative office have verify for you since about fund? It is only a stupid fool will seek someone who is younger to be your own child to investigate a transaction on your behalf, what a shame? Why you never received any money from Africa internet compensation is that you did not register as a member to IMF AND CDA Try today, you have a full assurance and guarantee to start receiving your fund immediately.

Just (3) days ago we arrested 20 stammer's who are under the age of 30-35yrs old, impersonating different office in Benin, Nigeria, Ghana,Togo, Kenya, London, due to the Nigeria lawyer they were sentence to 5yrs imprisonment for fraudulent activities in Benin, due to investigation, some of this arrested victim has a luxurious cars etc. So imagine your money used or spend for women and beer parlor due to their confessions.

This are some of the reason most of you are ask to be a registered member to the IMF And CDA which give you 100% security assurance and guarantee of getting all your funds from Africa country within 24hours. It is only those who are member to the U.N/U.N.A.O are advice not to make any further payment to us since they will get their individual documentation both from IMF and the U.N/U.N.A.O office but investigation will carry out to know if you are any register member to any of the organization mentioned to you.

But If you are not a member, please kindly pay your IMF and CDA membership certificate and identification card which will cost you $75.00 USD SEND it today or fall to do so you lose your fund and kindly send it to our cashier bellow, payment information send it only through Money Gram Office OR Western Union Office Immediately you receive this mail now OK. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU SPELL THE RECEIVER NAME: CHINEDU MARK OGUGUA, CORRECTLY TO AVOID ANY MISTAKE OR DELAY OK. OR I will advise you to go straight to the any nearest apple store buy Apple iTunes Gift Card OR Apple Steam Wallet Card of the $75.00 scratched it attached it and send it to me immediately.

AMOUNT:========$$75 ONLY.
Text Question======Good
Text Answer=======News
MTCN Number========

I will advise you to go straight to the any nearest apple store buy Apple iTunes Gift Card OR Apple Steam Wallet Card of the $75.00 scratched it attached it and send it to me immediately.

I wait to hear from you immediately to enable your transfer take place immediately without any further delay or stress.

E- mail { imfoffice28@mail.ru }
E- mail ( imfheadoffice022@yandex.com )
IMF Resident Representative
IMF International Relations (Dept) Public Affairs
Federal Nigeria.
Please feel free to call me on:
Telephone Number(00234) (+234)-9075665590) OR SEND ME TEXT MASSAGE.
The email was sent from the email address "HON, BARRISTER COLLINS WHITE <officefille230@rayana.ir>", with the Reply-to address "imfoffice28@mail.ru" and the subject "Re: INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUNDS HEAD OFFICE( IMF AUTHORITY )".

The email is a classic example of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam with promises of a large sum of money being transferred to the victim. Anyone responding to it will be told that there is a fee/tax/insurance payment to be paid to receive the money. This will be followed by payment after payment until the victim runs out of money or realises that they are being scammed.

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Re: +2349075665590

Post by DodgyDialersReport »

Telephone number +2349075665590 is being used as part of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam by someone claiming to be "Thomas Gibbons" and using the email addresses mrthomasgibbons79@gmail.com and thomasgibbons423@aol.com. The telephone number is included in the following Advance Fee Fraud email that is being sent to victims:


Happy New blessing Month of January 2021 I wish you good health, God blessing, Long life and I pray to God protection for this problem of Luck-down COVID 19 will not see you and your family in Jesus Name Amen, I have to inform you once again, that we are not playing over this, I know my reason for the continuous sending of this notification to you, the fact is that you can't seem to trust any one again over this inheritance payment Fund and we have now curt the prize of $490 to $100 for what you have been in cantered in many months ago OR years ago, but I want you to trust me now for the truth of God about this inheritance fund release, I swear and I promise that i will not fail my truth word as i said OK and i will make sure that you get this inheritance fund receive as soon as possible. Just try all best to get this fee of $100 send as instruction we give you in this email now.

I cannot scam you for $100 it is for bank processing of your payment,the fees is $490 but we have curt to $100 so that you can be able to send it today, $100 is clearly written to you before, and the good part of this, is that you will never, ever be disturbed again over any kind of payment, this is final, and the forms from there becomes effective once we submit your payment application processing fee and pay the form fee of $100 I don't want you to loose this fund this time, because you may never get another such good successfully opportunity, the federal government is keen and very determined to pay your overdue debts, this is not a fluke, I would not want you to loose this fund out of ignorance, I will send you all the documents as soon as bank payment processing fee is paid, you have to trust me, you will get your fund, find a way to get $100 you will not loose it,instead it will bring your financial breakthrough, find the money and send it to our bursary.

The reason why am sending you this because I want you to receive your USD2.5M immediately we are trying to round up for this payment program.The processing charges which was initially on the high price has been cut down by the payout bank considering the poor economic situations that make it difficult for the middle class citizens to meet up with the processing charges of their entitlement. Upon the confirmation of your processing charges you will get your $2.500, 000.00 into your account within 15 hrs.

Here is the my very good advice to you is not to abandon this transaction because of the requirement of ($100) Account Officer Info: Send the fee only through Apple Gift Cards I will advise you to go straight to the any nearest Apple Store buy iTunes Card OR Amazon Card OR Steam Wallet Card of the $100.00 scratched it attached it with the picture and send it to me immediately.

As soon as the payment is received today, you will receive your $2.5M the same today without any delay.

Best Regards
Please feel free to call me on:
Telephone Number(00234) (+234)-09075665590) OR SEND ME TEXT MASSAGE.
E-mail {mrthomasgibbons79@gmail.com}
The email was sent from the email address "mrthomasgibbons79@gmail.com", with the Reply-to address "mrthomasgibbons79@gmail.com" and the subject "PLEASE NEVER YOU MISS THIS VERY GOOD SUCCESSFULLY OPPORTUNITY OF RECEIVING THIS YOUR COMPENSATION INHERITANCE FUND TODAY.".

The email is a classic example of an Advance Fee Fraud Scam with promises of a large sum of money being transferred to the victim. Anyone responding to it will be told that there is a fee/tax/insurance payment to be paid to receive the money. This will be followed by payment after payment until the victim runs out of money or realises that they are being scammed.

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